Monday, May 29, 2006


So, I never get to take pictures of any of the things I build because cameras are not allowed in the laboratory where I work. Cause I'm giving a presentation soon though, I hauled the equipment outside, and took some shots.

This is my home-made infrasonic pistonphone, for all your 0.2 - 20 Hz calibration needs. Lots of time spent in the machine shop for this one. Don't stick your finger in it.

Friday, May 26, 2006

my first webcomic


Evan Wilson (aka "The Oracle") made a really interesting post entitled Where Our Hearts Are that you might find interesting.

One of the deepest thinkers I know , and a good friend, just put up a blog.

Don't really have much to say this week, I guess.

Monday, May 22, 2006


So, uh, in the middle of listening too... can't remember... it froze. Rebooted, and now everytime it loads up I get this dead Ipod symbol, sort of like pictured above. Mac website better have a fix for this one

Saturday, May 20, 2006


Today I wrote and recorded a whole song. For the first time in my life not a cover, not a folk song... absolute Marston. I even *gasp* sung. you know what this means

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Kokoro, in progress

You might remember this from a while back. I never finished it because I never figured out how to paint white clouds. I decided to revert to a red/blue background, which I prefer anyway. I didn't like how the sketch had no people in it, so I decided that since I was using the similar colors, I would add the children from this painting, and make it into a sequel. Graphite never seems to scan well - if I adjust the exposure so that you can see the sketch, the paint is waaay underexposed, but if you strain your eyes you can see the little girl standing behind the boy, in the lower right, pointing at the house.



[Meaningless observations to fill up blog space]

spent 5 minutes looking for a pencil so I wouldn't have to spend 15 seconds solving a math problem in my head (...)

laughed really hard when I read "Dude, of course making out is good. If you dont preheat the oven the prime rib wont turn out." (respect my authorita at the cedar room,)

was told by my friend Justin he'd start a band with me when he gets back from Malaysia in the fall (better not forget)

found a kick-@$$ way of compensating a microphone's response to match another's with bandwidth extension (F34R M3)

payed too much for a mediocre iced chai latte (2.99)

confessed more crappy sin (I guess it's all crappy)

am updating my blog (anybody out there?)

am listening to FFX midis (never played it, never will. But I like the composer.)

really wished I could visit someone I haven't seen in 3 years (...maybe later this summer...)

need to clean my apartment (won't post any pictures for you)

will post some paintings (Alizarin, Aurolean, Cerulean, Sienna, Ocre, Ultramarine)

will bike home in the rain


It is amazing how more can happen in 1 day than 2 wks than 3 months. Suffice it to say, a few things have been redirected recently, one of them being that I am now pursuing a PhD in acoustics. Sorry to disappoint all those I told that I wanted to go to China. I certainly did, and I still really do. But that is on hold for the moment. (By moment meaning, probably about 2 or 3 years.) There is a crazy story behind this, but I don't think I'll post it. It is long and, uh, really weird.

In the process of making the decision, I drank from the firehose that is the combined wisdom of my parents, pastors, mentors, and other councilors, and it was good. But it was still my decision.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

yan jing

Eyes are the most beautiful part of the body, and the most expressive. These are some of my friends/family/cousins. I couldn't sleep one night, so I made a big collage of their eyes. I was trying to learn about someone. Can truly tell something about a person by their eyes?

Monday, May 08, 2006

wei shen me

late revelations
1. I have been so incredibly self centered. I has just struck me that so much of my love for people is really just love for myself.
2. I might be staying to get a PhD.
3. Need wisdom. Must have wisdom.


A classmate from highschool, Davis Wilson recently was hospitalized during finals week, which really messes the study schedule. He is in a rigorous law program and is taking a final today on property. If you stumble on this site and are a Christian, please please pray for grace, good memory and critical thinking, for him on this final.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Red Rock Gorge

Though it is finals week, I still went hiking on Saturday. It was worth every second though, I must admit.

1) My friend Yasuko posing very nicely infront of a 90 foot waterfall.
2) My hiking buddy Melchior. Yes, that is his real name. Yes, I am jealous.

Lastly, watched the film "the gospel of John" Sunday evening with the Bible study. I decided that if I ever make a Jesus film (won't happen, but just suppose...) he'd be a weather-beaten Jew with scars on his hands, dirty feet, and who doesn't look disturbingly serene all the time.

The one good part was the scene where Jesus drives the moneylenders out of the temple. It's like the actor reached limit break. If I could have changed one part, I would have had him throw the whip at the birdcages, but I won't complain.