Tuesday, August 15, 2006


When I hear the word "mage" I think of withered old men with long white beards and oak staffs with special stones on the tops of the staffs. And magic and stuff.

So it was weird to find out that the plural of mage is "magi." This is cool to me, because it means that a bunch of old sorcerers came and worshipped Jesus.

Another wierd thought: a lot of people seem to be going around saying "baptism is absolutely essential for salvation" these days. And I am trying to figure how the thief on the cross fits into this picture. Not saying people shouldn't get baptised... but "today you shall see me in paradise" seems to throw a wrench in the cogs of the type of systematic theology that says "you must be baptised" or even the type that says "if you were baptised into the name of the triune God, you are saved." I might be drastically misinterpretting what others are saying, so if someone could clarify, I would appreciate.

Got all the hiragana characters memorized (woop dee doo). Only like 47 katekana, and 5 billion Kanji to go.

Maybe I'll have some art up soon.
- Tim


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good question!

My understanding are as followed:
(1)If a person receives Jesus Christ as his/her savior, he/she has salvation.
(2)Why we should be baptized after we were saved? Firstly, water can't wash our sins, only Christ's Blood. We were baptized because Jesus did when He began to preach. We follow His sample. Baptism is a way we proclaim to this world that we belong to Christ. Being baptized also be a good testimony.
(3)If you think being baptized is only a superfacial thing, please read Acts about baptism of Holy Spirit.
Just a joke, if you love a person deeply, is it difficult to you to marry her/him? And, will you have struggles about if you should have a wedding ceremony or not?

They are just my understandings about baptism. If you don't agree, please don't hold it, leave this question to our awesome God. I do believe He will answer you.Many blessings.

3:23 PM  
Blogger Colin Clout said...

I read your question to my post and posted a big, long comment in response over there.

3:48 PM  
Blogger tmm said...

Matt, thanks, I'll give it a read.

follower of christ,

Thanks for the reply. It wouldn't hurt to tell me who you are. I think I agree with you. It seems to be very important, from the scriptures. I don't need references here, because it is just all over the place. Even Jesus gets baptized to fulfill all righteousness, and it seems clear that if someone is in Christ, they will, and ought to desire being baptised.

I have seen this unusually played out with friends from foreign countries. Some who become believers have a very difficult time choosing to be baptised because their family will cut them off after they get baptised. Baptism isn't just recognized as a sign of something (otherwise, the excommunication would have occured earlier), but as an actual entrance into the Church.

4:19 PM  

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