Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fractal composition

Myron got an unbelievably cool website up, that lets you compose midis based on fractal theory. You know those line drawings, with infinite complexity, where you start out with a fork, then each fork forks, then each for forks, into oblivion? Well you can apply this to music, in an interesting way, and create some really unusual compositions. He has the theory explained on his website, examples of his own compositions, and an engine that allows you to make your own.

Give it a shot, www.fractalcomposer.com


Blogger Myron Marston said...

Thanks for the mention, Tim :). The site also does a lot more than just generate midi files...if you submit your piece to the library (where others can listen, leave comments and rate it), it generates an mp3 and a pdf of the sheet music.

7:13 PM  
Blogger Snook said...

wow, this is indeed incredibly cool!

8:04 PM  
Blogger Theologic said...


This was very, very cool.

As I would expect from a Marston.

Uncle T

9:32 AM  

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